
A Parallelogram is a Rhombus Always, Sometimes, or Never?

A parallelogram is a four-sided geometric shape where opposite sides are parallel to each other. This means that if two sides are parallel, so are the other two sides. On the other hand, a rhombus is a specific type of parallelogram where all four sides have equal length.

It is important to note that a parallelogram is not always a rhombus. A parallelogram can have sides of different lengths, making it not a rhombus. For example, a rectangle is a parallelogram but it is not a rhombus because opposite sides have different lengths. The same applies to a trapezoid, which is also a parallelogram but not a rhombus because it has one pair of parallel sides of different lengths.

However, there are cases where a parallelogram is also a rhombus. A square is a specific type of rectangle where all four sides are congruent (of equal length). As a square is a rectangle, it is a parallelogram, and because it has all four sides congruent it is also a rhombus. In this case, a parallelogram is also a rhombus.

In conclusion, a parallelogram is not always a rhombus, but there are cases where a parallelogram is also a rhombus. A parallelogram that has all its sides congruent is a rhombus. Examples of such shapes include a square. However, if a parallelogram has any two opposite sides of different lengths, it is not a rhombus. Examples of such shapes include a rectangle and a trapezoid.

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