
Difference between Rectangle and Parallelogram

A rectangle is a four-sided shape with opposite sides that are equal in length and opposite angles that are right angles (90 degrees). In other words, all of the angles in a rectangle are right angles, and all of the sides are of equal length. This makes it a special case of a parallelogram, in which opposite sides are parallel and of equal length. A parallelogram, on the other hand, is a four-sided shape with opposite sides that are parallel and equal in length. However, unlike a rectangle, the angles in a parallelogram are not necessarily right angles. This means that the opposite angles in a parallelogram may not be equal in measure.

What is a Rectangle?

A rectangle is a four-sided shape with opposite sides that are equal in length and opposite angles that are right angles (90 degrees). In other words, all of the angles in a rectangle are right angles, and all of the sides are of equal length. This makes it a special case of a parallelogram, in which opposite sides are parallel and of equal length.

What is a Parallelogram?

A parallelogram, on the other hand, is a four-sided shape with opposite sides that are parallel and equal in length. However, unlike a rectangle, the angles in a parallelogram are not necessarily right angles. This means that the opposite angles in a parallelogram may not be equal in measure.

One way to think of the difference between a rectangle and a parallelogram is that a rectangle is a specific type of parallelogram, with the added constraint that all angles must be right angles.

Here’s a comparison table that illustrates the main differences between the two shapes:

Opposite sides are equal in lengthOpposite sides are equal in length
Opposite angles are right angles (90 degrees)Opposite angles are not necessarily right angles
All angles are right anglesNot all angles are right angles


In conclusion, while rectangles and parallelograms share some similarities, such as having opposite sides that are parallel and equal in length, they also have some key differences. A rectangle is a specific type of parallelogram, with the added constraint that all angles must be right angles. This means that not all parallelograms are rectangles, but all rectangles are parallelograms. It’s important to understand the distinction between these two shapes in order to correctly identify and classify geometric figures in various contexts, including in mathematical and architectural applications.

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