
Difference between Biology and Physiology

the major difference between Biology and Physiology is that biology is the branch of science and is the study of…

6 months ago

Respiratory System in Man, Animals, Fish, Birds, Reptiles & Insects etc.

Living organisms need energy for their activities. This energy is provided within the cell by the Respiratory System or the…

6 months ago

Photorespiration Importance with Functions of Rubisco

Photorespiration and its Consequence Respiratory activity which occurs in plants during the daytime is called photorespiration. So, it is a…

6 months ago

Digestive System of Man Parts and Functions

The digestive system of man is composed of a long coiled tube. This tube extends from the mouth to the…

6 months ago

Hepatitis Symptoms and Types with Prevention & Cure of Diseases

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. It is usually caused by a viral infection, toxic agents, or drugs. Symptoms…

6 months ago

difference between biology and microbiology

The main difference between biology and microbiology is that biology is a scientific field, mainly covering organisms related to living…

7 months ago

Nostoc Structure and Reproduction

Nostoc belongs to the group Cyanophyta of the kingdom Monera. It is blue-green algae. Nostoc is common as terrestrial and…

7 months ago

Photosynthesis | Equation, Reactions, and Importance

“Photosynthesis is a process in which energy-poor inorganic oxidized compounds of carbon (CO2) and hydrogen (water) are reduced to energy-rich…

7 months ago

factors affecting imbibition with Rate and Extent

Imbibition is “a special type of diffusion in which there is a net movement of water molecules towards an imbibant”…

7 months ago

Phylum Coelenterata/Cnidaria Characteristics and Examples

Phylum Coelenterata animals are aquatic and are marine. they are also called Cnidarians. they are metazoa and multicellular, diploblastic and…

7 months ago