
Buffer Solution: Definition, Applications, and Examples

Definition of Buffers A solution that tends to resist changes in pH is called a buffer solution. Buffer solutions are…

7 months ago

What is the Difference between Continuous Spectrum and Line Spectrum?

the MajorĀ  difference between line spectrum and continuous spectrum is that a continuous spectrum contains all the wavelengths in a…

7 months ago

Different Branches of Chemistry and Their Examples

The Study of the atomic matter is said to be chemistry. Typically it includes the chemical reaction of matter their…

7 months ago

difference between chemical reaction and nuclear reaction

The major difference between chemical reaction and nuclear reaction is that Chemical reaction involves some loss, gain or overlap of…

7 months ago

What Is The Difference Between Molecule And Compound?

The Basic Difference Between Molecule And Compound is that A molecule is a group of two or more atoms bonded…

7 months ago

Common Laboratory Apparatus and its Uses

Many types of apparatus are used for scientific work in laboratories. however, we have compiled all possible common and comprehensive…

7 months ago

Difference between Molecule and Molecular Ion

the Major Difference between Molecule and Molecular Ion is that A molecule is a group of atoms that have joined…

7 months ago

What is the Difference Between Vaporization and Evaporation?

The Basic Difference Between Vaporization and Evaporation is that Vaporization is a process by which liquids changes to its vapors…

7 months ago

Test Tube Function & Uses

What is a Test Tube? A test tube is a common piece of laboratory equipment. it is also known as…

7 months ago

Crystallization Definition Techniques Process and Examples

What is Crystallization - Definition Crystallization is the removal of a solid from a solution by increasing its concentration above…

7 months ago